Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


24 Oct • Sin and Grace

St. Paul tells us that through Adam, all died, but through Christ, grace abounded all the more so that all might live. Whatever sin we find in the world, we can be sure that God has grace to not only overcome it, but to make the world better than it was before the fault.

The Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP breaks open the readings for the Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time, in which Jesus reworks Isaiah's parable of the vineyard, making the point that anyone is welcome in the vineyard of the Lord as long as they produce its harvest of justice.

12 Sept • Christ wipes away our sins

In his letter to the Colossians, St. Paul tells us that Christ forgave all our transgressions, "obliterating the bond against us, with its legal claims." We can best celebrate that by forgiving one another insteading of using the law to blame one another.

A Word of Hope for July 31, 2023

Jesus's parables liken the Kingdom of Heaven to a tiny mustard seed that grows into a large bush and yeast, which grows to fill the dough. Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP points out that in both of these, the Kingdom grows from something small over time, so that we have to be patient and let the Kingdom grow around and within us.