text “Who witnessed your baptism?” Aside from the chilling baptismal scenes of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino)…
text “Sorry, there is no room in the inn, but would you like to come in for a drink?” The Christmas pageant was in progress and Joseph, along with his wife Mary…
text "i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)" The final line of one of e.e.cummings’ “little poems” carries this beautiful…
text “Together we can do something wonderful.” “Please, Fr. Gillespie, come in. Mother Teresa has been expecting you.” It…
text “Dance, then, wherever you may be, I am the Lord of the Dance, said he.” There is no record in the New Testament of Jesus ever dancing, so we might be…
text “At what time would you like your wake-up call?” The phone rang almost immediately when I entered my hotel room. Assuming the…
text “One day you finally knew what you had to do and began.” As the baby nestled comfortably in the arms of her mother, I began the…
text "Gotta Serve Somebody" When the album entitled “Slow Train Coming” was launched in 1979, one song…
text “In case of the Rapture, this car will be abandoned.” Due to the snowstorm, the trip back from Des Moines to Dubuque would take an…
text "It's good to be blessed, but it's better to be a blesing." Putting the finishing touches on the flowerpots in front of church, I was…
text "Love me tender, love me sweet, never let me go." Listening to Nora Jones sing “Love Me Tender” triggered a memory of Elvis…
text “Be careful what you ask for.” Believing in miracles is risky business, especially if there is no physical…
text “And what does the Lord require of us? Only this: to do justice, to love kindness and to walk humbly On March 13, 2013, the newly elected Pope Francis moved into the Casa Santa…
text “Deficiency free is the way to be!” Waiting for the elevator door to close, I spotted a sign hanging on the wall:…
text "One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go!" The newly ordained priest was interviewing a woman in her late eighties who…
text "Remember, where your treasure is, there your heart is also." At the intersection of West Lake Street and Blaisdell Avenue, a young man…
text "What good is it, my sisters and brothers, to profess faith without practicing it?" The waiter had just presented the bill when my cell phone rang. It was a call…
text Employees Must Wash Hands Before Leaving the Restroom The father of a ten-year-old boy became concerned when his son had not…
text “I always start my dreams before I fall asleep, and then they just continue.” While waiting to be seated for lunch, I overheard a young girl telling her…
text Walk in the Way of Wisdom The great thing about getting older is that it requires so little effort…
text Considering Wonder Bread As a child, I remember watching our black and white Philco television and…
text El domingo, 3 de marzo de 2024 TERCER DOMINGO DE CUARESMA (Éxodo 20:1-17; I Corintios 1:22-25; Juan 2:13-25) Hace años hubo un drama de televisión…
text Monday, February 26, 2024 Monday of the Second Week of Lent (Daniel 9:4b-10; Luke 6:36-38) In today’s first reading the prophet Daniel makes…
text Friday, February 23, 2024 Friday of the fourth Week of Lent (Ezekiel 18:21-28; Matthew 5:21-26) Jesus sounds like a rigorist in today’s gospel…
text El domingo, 25 de febrero de 2024 SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA (Génesis 22:1-2.9-13.15-18; Romanos 8:31-34; Marcos 9:2-10) Como siempre escuchamos el…