Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Fr. Luke Barder, OP

Fr. Luke Barder, OP is the parochial vicar at St. Dominic Church in Denver, Colorado.


15 July • Truth and Division

Jesus challenged his disciples that his words might bring division in families, because the truth he brings is more important than any kind of truth we have created for ourselves. The Good News is that Jesus will never stop fighting for us. Sometimes that fight will be painful, but it will be worth it.

15 Jun • Speaking with integrity

Jesus said not to swear to the truth but to simply let our "yes" be yes and our "no" be no. In this world, we accept that people lie and therefore need these markers that this time we are not lying. But in the Reign of God, everyone will simply speak the truth all the time, and so we should move in that direction now.

20 May • Mary, Mother of the Church

On this memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church, we remember that Jesus gave us his mother as our mother from the cross. Mary can now be a reminder of the love of Jesus for us so that we can flourish in the love of God.