Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


14 Apr • The wounds of Christ

The resurrected Jesus appears to the disciples and eats with them and still has the wounds in his hands and in his side. This is no "spiritual" resurrection, but bodily resurrection in which we can unite our our own bodily suffering with his, and be in solidarity with all those who suffer.

Palm Sunday

Fr. Charlie Bouchard, OP breaks open the readings for this Palm Sunday, noticing how embodied all of the readings are. Jesus gave his body for our salvation. Can we give our bodies, just as they are, for the salvation and faith of others?

19 Mar • How to have a happy death

On this Feast of St. Joseph, we remember him as the patron saint of happy deaths, since he died presumably with Mary and Jesus at his side. Some planning ahead and conversing with loved ones can make your dying moments more likely to go better.

18 Mar • Courage and mercy

Today's readings are full of sin, but in the first, courage and wisdom are shown to be more powerful than sin, and in the Gospel, mercy is stronger than sin. So we acknowledge sin in the world, but also that it is not the whole picture.

23 Feb • Develop your virtue

The readings today talk about developing virtue, the inclination to choose to do what is good. Virtue is skill that is developed, and Lent is perfect time to work on it. What virtue would you like to work on this Lent?

The Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Fr. Charles Bouchard, OP breaks open the readings for the Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time—the healing of lepers, noting that Jesus healed not just people's physical ailments, but their spiritual ailments as well, and anything that isolated them from other people. May we also work to reach out to people who are isolated, bringing them back in communion with others, so that we all might be a part of the Kingdom of God.