audio Construir comunidad y ser enviados: Homilía del domingo 12 de enero de 2025 Es irónico que justo antes de celebrar el Bautismo del Señor, el Cirujano…
audio Why is there never enough? …or is there? For 20 April 2007, Friday of the Second Week of Easter, based on Jn 6:1-15
audio Recognizing the Risen Christ For 11 April 2007, Wednesday in the Octave of Easter, based on Acts 3:1-10, Lk…
audio Servanthood: A Revolutionary Vision For 2 April 2007, Monday of Holy Week, based on Isaiah 42:1-7, Jn 12:1-11
audio The Truth Shall Set You Free For 28 March 2007, Wednesday of the Fifth Week of Lent, based on John 8:31-42
audio Please, My People, Love Your Neighbor For 16 March 2007, Friday of the Third Week of Lent, based on Hosea 14:2-10,…
audio Blinding jealousy For 9 March 2007, Friday in the Second Week of Lent, based on Genesis 37:3-4,12…
audio Does Jesus know my name? For 8 March 2007, Thursday of the Second Week of Lent, based on Luke 16:19-31
audio The Sign of Jonah: God’s Compassion, Jonah’s Ego For 28 February 2007, Wednesday of the First Week of Lent, based on Jonah 3:1…
audio To Fast or Not To Fast For 23 February 2007, Friday After Ash Wednesday, based on Isaiah 58:1-9a,…
audio Wisdom & Spirit – Faith & Prayer For 19 February 2007, Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time, based on Sir…
audio Do we still not understand? For 13 February 2007, Tuesday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, based on Mark…
audio Looking for Signs is Not the Way to Go For 12 February 2007, Monday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time, based on Mark…
audio The Challenge of God’s Dream for Creation For 5 December 2006, Tuesday of the First Week of Advent, based on Isaiah 11:1…