Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


26 Sept • Reignite your faith

Saints Cosmas and Damian knew that their martyrdom would spread sparks far and wide to ignite the faith of the Christian community and thus embraced their faith. Let their example and their prayers reignite your own faith this day. Even though all things might seem hopeless, they are not for nought with the help of God.

28 Aug • Attending to the mundane

On this Feast of St. Augustine, who gave the Dominicans its Primitive Rule of Life, we are challenged to examine what day to day mundane chores of life help us to go forth into the world in love and service?

31 July • Take the Word of God deep into your heart

The prophet Jeremiah said to God, "When I found your words, I devoured them; they became my joy and the happiness of my heart," Our prayer for you in bringing you A Word of Hope every day is that you too will devour the Word of God such that it could transform you as it has so many great saints, such as St. Dominic, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and St. Alphonsus Liguori.

2 July • Let God lead us to justice

God promised to punish Israel for its injustice, and Psalm 5 cries out, "the Lord abhors the bloodthirsty and deceitful" and promises that they will not stand before him, and then asks, "Lead me O Lord in your righteousness." If only we will turn and trust God, he will save us from whatever storm threatens us and lead us to justice.

1 July • Cross over to the other shore *** Bonus Video ***

Today we have a bonus video from Fr. Greg Heille—a very challenging message from the prophet Amos, who chastises the people from building their prosperity on the backs of the poor. However, Amos also acknowledges that God stole the land from the Amorites to give to them, and thus, blessings seem to almost always come at the expense of others. Perhaps, to make sense of this, we need to cross over to a new understanding, crossing over to the other shore where God lives.

13 Mar • Dive in

The Prophet Isaiah invited those who were suffering to come out and feel God's saving power. We are also invited to dive into the river of God's grace, and to invite others to do the same.

12 Mar • Down the road

Ezekiel had a vision of a trickle of water flowing from the temple, but growing greater and greater as it flowed through the world. In the same way, the recognition of the dignity and call to mission that baptism confers on all people that was affirmed at the Second Vatican Council is bearing greater and greater fruit as the years pass.

18 Feb • God promises new life

God made a promise with Noah after the flood that there would never be another one. By Jesus' death and resurrection, we are promised not that we will never die, but that for every death, there can be a resurrection. Trust that promise to lead you out of the darkness of death.