Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


27 Jun • Simply try to be faithful

Jesus rejected people who claimed to to great deeds in his name, embracing instead people who listened to his words and acted on them. We do not have to have success in our ministry, we simply need to listen to Jesus and to try to be faithful to his words.

26 Jun • The gift of the Bible

In our scripture today, Hilkiah rejoiced because he found a long lost book of Moses in the Temple in Jerusalem. But there was also consternation, because the new book showed how far they had strayed from their own tradition. For us today, reading the Bible often reminds us in a helpful way of what God wants for us.

29 May • Though the earth pass away...

Salvation comes from the precious Blood of Christ, who was before the world began and will be forever. Thus, salvation is greater than silver or gold, because they can pass away, but even if the universe passes away, the salvific love of God will not.

28 May • Being part of the household of God

Jesus tells us that if we are part of his household, we will have many mothers, brothers, and sisters and we will inherit eternal life in heaven—but we will also inherit persecution and suffering in this life. To join this family we do not have to abandon our own, but it is our truest family.

30 Apr • The truest peace

Jesus assures us that he gives us a peace that the world cannot give, to be reconciled to God. So it is good to wish for a peaceful life, and an end to strife and division, but it is most important to seek this kind of peace.

2 Apr • Fear & Hope

Living in the resurrection, we are encouraged not to fear and cling to our sins or our old way of life, or even our own conversion story, but we are challenged to hope that the power of the resurrection can lead us forth to a new and better life.

5 Mar • Forgive 77 times

Jesus challenges us to forgive not 7 times, but 77 times. This does not mean that we need to have warm feelings towards them or to reconcile with them, but it is the first step of the process that opens then way to these possibilities. Can we hope that the person who hurt us might grow? Can we help bring this about through forgiveness?

14 Feb • Confess your love

On this Ash Wednesday which coincides with Valentine's Day, we are challenged not just to privately confess our sins, but to publicly confess our love for one another and our trust in the mercy of God.

13 Feb • Rekindle desire

In his letter, James assures us that God tempts no one. Rather, our desires tempt us. But within each of us there is a deeper desire for what is good and holy. Let us reawaken that desire in ourselves, and help to rekindle it in others.