Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


6 Nov • The better reward

Jesus tells us that when we throw a banquet we should invite the poor and the crippled who cannot repay us, because our joy will be greater when we all dine together in the Kingdom.

The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Br. Joe Trout, OP breaks open the readings for the Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, suggesting that we look to the example of the saints to find real answers to the difficult question of how to love our neighbor in a confusing and broken world.

6 Oct • Lament or Repent? Think repent.

As the world was falling apart around him, the prophet Baruch challenged the people not to lament, but to repent from the ways they were helping to cause the breakdown. We are each to repent of how we are contributing to the breakdown of society around us.

18 Sept • Ransomed from sin?

In the Gospel today, a Roman Centurion receives a miracle cure for his servant because he believes that Jesus can heal him. Do we believe that Jesus has already ransomed us from sin, or do we still believe that we are powerless against it?

29 Aug • More than "interested"

On this feast of the beheading of John the Baptist, we remember that Herod was "interested" in John, but not enough to keep from beheading him to save face. Are we just "interested" in the things of God, or are we willing to change the way we are in the world to help bring them about?

The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Br. Joe Trout, OP breaks open the readings for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time, in which Jesus tells us he is only here for the Children of Israel and Paul tells us he is here for the Gentiles. WHo are we here to serve?