Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


The Ascension of the Lord

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP unpacks the readings for the celebration of the Ascension of the Lord, explaining why it was necessary for Jesus to leave in his physical form so that he could return in an even better way through the Church, the new body of Christ.

A Word of Hope for May 6, 2023

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP reminds us that, as Paul was thrown out of one town after another, which led him to spread the Good News far and wide, so we are to say today what needs to be said, and not worry about success and failure. Tomorrow is another day, not this day repeated.

A Word of Hope for May 5, 2023

Jesus says, "I am the way, the truth, and the life." Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP points out that therefore there is no magic formula to get into heaven, we simply need to work on our friendship with Christ, by spending time with God and forgiving and accepting forgiveness from God.

A Word of Hope for April 14, 2023

When Peter saw the risen Lord on the shore, he jumped out of the boat and swam to shore. Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP that we need to do the same when we encounter the risen Lord in our own lives—jump right in the water to get by Jesus' side, don't hesitate or take the sensible approach.

A Word of Hope for April 13, 2023

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP points out how it was difficult for the disciples to shift into completely believing in Jesus' resurrection, and we need to look at our hearts hearts and see if we have really understood the change it should bring about in our lives.

Easter Sunday

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP explains how the many readings for the Easter vigil outline the history of God's slow, saving work, which culminates in Jesus. At the same time, however, the Gospel reflects that first moment of people learning about the resurrection, when many struggle to believe and most don't understand. At this moment in time, society seems to be in the same place, where we have heard about the Resurrection, but we still live under the oppression of death and the fear of death.

A Word of Hope for March 20, 2023

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP, on the Solemnity of St. Joseph, talks about how God's promises always work out, but not always in the way that we would think—as the family we develop as we live our lives isn't necessarily the family we are born into.

A Word of Hope for March 16, 2023

Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP likens the Synod on Synodality to Jesus healing a mute man so that he could speak. Just as Jesus was criticized as doing something evil for healing the man, some criticize Pope Francis for starting the Synod, and see letting people speak freely as evil and divisive.